Monday 23 February 2015

I'll be yours !

When you're sad,
I'll be the tickle that makes u laugh.

When you're happy,
I'll be the music that you sing.

When you're asleep,
I'll be the blanket that warms you.

When you're lonely
I'll be the pillow you can hug on to.

When you're tired,
I'll be the shady tree you can rest under.

When you're blue,
I'll be the chocolate to beat the blues.

When you're lost,
I'll be the pole star guiding your way.

When you're lousy,
I'll be the caffeine to keep you going.

When you're tensed,
I'll be the feather to soothe your worries away.

When you're working hard,
I'll be the lady luck to help you check mate.

When you're mad,
I'll be the dishes you can smash.

When you're insanely happy,
I'll be the song you can dance all night on.

When you're hungry,
I'll be the tasty morsel to tantalise your taste buds.

When you're thirsty,
I'll be the first shower of rain in the tormental summers.

When you're nostalgic,
I'll be the pictures which bring your happy memories.

When you're away,
I'll be that handwritten letter you can hold close to your heart.

When you're sick,
I'll be the apple that keeps the doctor away.

When you're bored,
I'll be the shopping sprees that lift your heart.

When your depressed,
I'll be the art you can vent out your anger and hurt.

When you're looking for peace,
I'll be the temple bells and the incense  aroma that pacifies you.

I'll be there for you. Always.
Even when I'm gone,
I'll be the sun, moon and the stars to watch over you from heavenly skies.